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25 years ago, after two years of classroom teaching, I decided to try tutoring and quickly discovered my passion; helping students succeed in ways they often never expected, all while enjoying the process.

My students range from:

  • 2nd grade to 1st year university calculus
  • Adults upgrading
  • Students for whom math is a struggle
  • "A" students who want a deeper understanding
  • Homeschool students
  • And everyone in between.

Within all of those categories is a diversity of needs that 1-on-1 tutoring, tailored to individual learning, can address.

I often hear from students that they actually enjoy math and it's fun when they know what they are doing. From parents I hear that their children enjoy their tutoring time and leave feeling better after a session.

I hope I can help math become more enjoyable for you or your child!


What tutoring format do you offer?

After much consideration, I have decided to exclusively offer online tutoring using Skype this fall.
I switched to this format in March 2020. I've had very positive feedback from my students with most saying that it is nearly the same as being here with me.
I will be re-evaluating the situation regularly and may see students for in-person tutoring again in the future.
Thank you for your understanding and stay well.

When do you work?

I work Monday through Thursday (both during the day and after school into the evening) and Saturday (daytime after 9:00am). I am quite flexible and try to accomodate all of my clients into a time that works for them and my schedule.

How much do you charge?

I charge $40.00 per hour for private 1-on-1 tutoring. I occasionally have seen small groups of 2-3 at once at a rate of $30.00 per person per hour. I generally feel that 1-on-1 provides the most benefit to students as I am able to tailor the information, presentation and teaching style to that student's needs.

How is payment done?

Contactless payments via e-transfers are preferred.
I accept cash, e-transfer, and cheques. Some people pay me at the end of each session, others pay once at the end of the month. Invoices and receipts are available.

What is your background?

I received my BSc. Math and teacher training from UVIC, taught in a classroom for 2 years and have 25 years of tutoring experience.

Do you tutor any other subjects?

No, sorry, I just do Math. I feel that if I'm charging people as a specialist then I need to focus on my expertise. I try to maintain a comprehensive knowledge of and resources for over a dozen math courses and work hard to prepare for any others that come my way.

What grades do you tutor?

Most of my students are from grades 8 to 12 however I have seen children as young as grade 2 and usually have a few UBCO 1st year calculus students each year. I also see adults upgrading their math through Okanagan College and online courses.

If you have any further questions, please contact me.


I received my BSc in Math and my teacher training from UVIC.

I taught high school for 2 years and have been a private Math Tutor in Kelowna for 25 years.

I am married and enjoy baking, puzzles and games, growing my own vegetables, going for long walks, and spending time with friends and family.

I love working with teens and have been fortunate to have met so many wonderful teens and families through tutoring.


Shannon is an amazing tutor who has a love for math and teaching it.

She helped me with my first year university calculus courses and without her I wouldn't have gotten as high of a grade as I did.

With Shannon's help I was able to fully focus in every class without getting hung up on concepts I didn't understand as I knew she would be able to cover it with me later on.

When COVID-19 hit Shannon took quick action to bring our sessions online via Skype and did a great job making sure all my needs were met.

I learned just as much online as I did in our in person sessions thanks to Shannon's immense dedication to her students.

I would recommend Shannon to anyone looking for a math tutor!

— Taitum L.

Shannon is fantastic at helping kids understand math and does a great job at making math feel less intimidating.

My son enjoys his time with Shannon and she does a great job at connecting with him at the beginning of their Skype lessons before they jump into the work.

My son's confidence in his math skills has increased significantly since he started working with Shannon and he even said he enjoyed algebra after working with her!

I highly recommend Shannon to anyone looking for math help.

— Hayley S. (parent of a middle school student)

I have really enjoyed your tutoring.

It helped me out a lot, especially when COVID happened. Skype was weird at first but it worked out well.

I probably wouldn't have passed Math 10 this year if I didn't have you.

— Milla V.

I struggled a lot with Pre-calculus and Calculus in high school.

Shannon kindly and patiently answered all the questions I had regarding the subjects. She also explained concepts from different angles to help me understand them.

I highly recommend her!

— Eunhan K.

What words do you use to describe such a quality tutor?

Shannon provided superior tutoring services to Ephraim and Raphael for several years of pre-calculus and calculus math, and was always organized, prepared, and "ahead of the game".

Through years of experience, Shannon knew many of the math teachers from various schools, was familiar with their teaching styles, and was even quite good at predicting upcoming tests and quizzes.

Shannon's fantastic tutoring was a large contributor to our A/A+ performance in High School Math.

We would instantly recommend Shannon to anyone looking for a passionate math tutor!

— Raphael N, Ephraim N. and Parents.

I honestly don't think I would have been successful in completing my courses throughout middle and high school had it not been for our weekly tutoring sessions.

Not only did I get amazing one on one help with math, I also genuinely enjoyed that hour each week.

Your friendly demeanour (and bowls of candy) made learning concepts I had difficulty with a lot less intimidating.

— Jocelyn P.

I am beyond grateful for how much you helped me with Pre-Calc and because of your help I was able to achieve the understanding and grades that allowed me to win the major entrance scholarship.

And I'm also super thankful that you took my frustration and impatience with math in stride and were able to calm me down enough to teach me and understand what parts were hardest for me.

Not to mention how your amazing Christmas decorating was and how kind you were baking all the Christmas cookies for us!

— Marika H.

Our experience with hiring Shannon as a math tutor was only positive. We can't recommend her enough.

My daughter, Cierra struggled with math and was often discouraged. After a session working with Shannon, she was always encouraged and willing to try again.

Shannon is very personable and my daughter enjoyed going to the math sessions. We would not have made it through high school math without Shannon!

— Patty H.

You were monumental in giving my girls the confidence in themselves to get through high school math!

They not only improved and did well, they began to like math and always looked forward to your tutoring sessions.

You have a very special way to teach. I have given your name to many others!

— Pam C.

I know you've played an integral part in assisting me achieve my goals.

My confidence in math has always wavered, and it's been the one subject I've truly struggled to grasp.

You laid out math in a way that made sense to me, and did so with kindness, compassion and most importantly, patience.

When I got accepted to University, I thought our journey together had come to a close. But when I encountered the first road block to my degree -- Calculus -- you were up for the challenge. You worked with me to hack a step-by-step approach to proofs, as well as a strategy for testing that worked for me.

Thank you for being a part of my educational journey, I am only where I am today because of your services.

I whole heartedly and confidently recommend your tutoring services.

— Steph S.

Shannon gave our sons an edge in their high school and university years.

They had a confidence to register for challenging courses, knowing that if they were stuck she would walk them through it and they would overcome.

Today they are well established in successful careers that they may not have achieved without the math assistance she provided.

I would highly recommend Shannon's tutoring. Thanks so much Shannon.

— Carol J

I got Shannon's name from a coworker, who had two daughters seeing her at the time, and she highly recommended her.

My daughter was near the end of grade 8 and loved math, but was starting to struggle. Well, we never looked back.

Emma saw Shannon from grade 9 to first year calculus at UBCO. She is now done with her math studies, but I know she seriously considered having 2nd year calculus just so she could continue to see Shannon!

I would DEFINITELY recommend her and have over the years!

— Christy and Emma T.


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